Regina dino crisis gelbooru
Regina dino crisis gelbooru

regina dino crisis gelbooru
  1. #Regina dino crisis gelbooru mod
  2. #Regina dino crisis gelbooru series

  • Evil Brit: Cares not for human life and is glad to use them to further his experiments.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: You have to admit, Kirk does look rather feminine.
  • Baddie Flattery: He notes that Regina appears to have a "small degree of superficial intelligence" as he has a gun pointed at her head.
  • Kirk fits almost every symptom on the the list. It is also, however, easy to diagnose him with Antisocial Personality Disorder. Poor Judgement? It's in his bio that he can't tell the difference between right and wrong so check. Edward Kirk with some form of Bipolar Disorder.
  • Ambiguous Disorder: It is very easy to diagnose Dr.
  • When it was discovered that he was still alive, Regina and co. I don't care about that, only my experiment."A researcher who, after funding for his Third Energy project was cut, faked his own death and continued his research on Ibis Island.
  • Hypocrite: Her reaction to Rick who mocked her over her first dinosaur encounter since he didn't believe her at first:.
  • Dull Surprise: Her first reaction to seeing the corpse of a disemboweled man is to nonchalantly say "That's disgusting.".
  • Deadpan Snarker: Snarks at everyone, which includes Dr.
  • The Cynic: She tends to not be a very positive person, as Rick points out.
  • Conditioned to Accept Horror: She is a bit shaken with her first dinosaur encounter, but she is rather chill about dinosaurs in general afterwards and even snarks about the persistent T-Rex.
  • Casual Danger Dialogue: When Kirk holds her up at gunpoint, she responds with "And what do you think you're doing?" in a tone that makes it sound like "Dude, really?".
  • Alternatively, she can choose both sides depending on player preference. The player can have Regina choose to focus on brute force and completing the mission at all costs, including at the expense of her teammates if necessary, by following Gail's options, or she can focus more on critical thinking and reasoning through situations and coming to her teammates' aid even if it puts the mission in jeopardy by following Rick's options.
  • Audience Surrogate: While she does have some traits of her own, this could explain some of the various branching options the game presents the player.
  • regina dino crisis gelbooru

    Resident Evil 2is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.Main Protagonist of the first game and co-protagonist of the second game. The publisher and developer has previously expressed interest in remaking and remastering many of its AAA releases–including Resident Evil 3–so we will have to simply wait and see if Regina and her Dino Crisis cohorts eventually return in some way, shape, or form in the future. Taking everything here into consideration, with the Resident Evil 2 remake having had a considerable amount of success due to its positive critical reception and solid sales, Capcom could very well decide to remake other IPs in its back catalog, including Dino Crisis.

    #Regina dino crisis gelbooru series

    Unfortunately, no official word has been shared thus far if the series will be revived. As rumor has it, Capcom Vancouver was once approached to do a reboot of the Dino Crisis franchise, but chose to work on the unreleased Knights of Aegis in 2013 instead.

    #Regina dino crisis gelbooru mod

    It has been quite some time since the last Dino Crisis was released, with the third numbered entry in the series having been put out for the original Xbox back in 2003, so there's a good chance that this Resident Evil 2 mod is Crazy Potato's way of saying that they would enjoy seeing a new installment soon.

    Regina dino crisis gelbooru